par Dko » juil. 19, 14 9:35 pm
1) Thank you both for your support.
2) This site is called AbidjanTalk not AbidjanParle
3) I understand that many here may not speak, read or write in english but as I stated before, I am not at the behest of french the language or the people. I am addressing the people and true leaders of the Ivory Coast in my interventions and I am not here to follow but to lead as best as possible. I share the info that I can as it gets cleared.
4) Again the point of this thread was to keep the focus on the fact that ouattara must make public the arrest warrant he holds concerning his camp. These farces of reconciliation and elections are just that, farces.
Make the arrest warrants public, then his eligibility can be discussed. In the mean time, SEM LKG is still the president and actions taken by ouattara can and will be nullified. This, many investors have come to term with except the french who like gambling but this venture is a fool's errand and gamble.
Dernière modification par
Dko le juil. 19, 14 9:36 pm, modifié 2 fois.